Fall Engagement Pictures
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Fall Engagement Pictures

Fall Engagement Pictures are vibrant expressions of the love shared between a bride and groom. The engagement photos taken of this lovely couple were no exception. This image focuses on the bride’s unique engagement ring. The ring’s band is thick and gold, with small diamonds set in it. The center gem is an aquamarine diamond, which is circled by a halo of gold and more tiny diamonds. The aquamarine ring is pale blue and it shimmers like the sea does when the shines bounces off its surface. This type of diamond is icy in hue and it symbolizes peace and stability within a relationship. This couple opted for the non-traditional diamond because of the gorgeous colors of the ring and the meaning behind the gem. The bride is not only committing herself to a life of marriage, she is very consciously saying “Yes” to maintaining harmony in her relationship with her fiancé. The sky beyond the hand of the bride peaks through the trees that serve as a blurry background. The blue flashes through the branches, matching the magnificent coloring of the engagement ring. The green and blue colors of the background flow together like a watercolor painting, and they make the image of the bride’s ring-adorned hand stand out boldly. The ring is a beautiful representation of the happy days ahead for this wonderful couple.

CT Wedding Photographer Andrew Henderson, 422 Villa Ave Fairfield CT 06825 - (203) 997-2332