Barn Walnut Hill Wedding Pictures display one of the many gorgeous barn wedding venues that are located in the state of Maine. The Barn on Walnut Hill was renovated in 2009, when the owner’s oldest daughter determined that she would hold her own wedding in the space. The girl’s mother set out to refurbish the building, transforming it into the charming venue it is today. The owner of the Barn on Walnut Hill purchased another property in 2011, which she also renovated and restored to be used for special events. This venue, the Barn at Flanagan Farm, and the Barn on Walnut Hill make up the celebrated Wedding Barns of Maine, which have been recognized as two of the most romantic event spaces in the country. The Barn Walnut Hill Wedding Pictures taken in 2011 at the wedding of Bretton and Ryan show just how enchanting this location can be for any special occasion. In this image, the bride and groom are seen walking through the woods that are adjacent to the Walnut Hill property. The two walk along a wooden walkway that gives them a clear path through the lush green trees. The image is filled with contrasts of light and dark shades, made even more apparent by the black and white coloring of the picture. The black and white photo also adds a feeling of timelessness to the image, giving the impression that the bride and groom could be any two well-dressed people in any time, walking together through the trees with the summer sun high in the sky. The love shared by these two people and the picture they make together is part of a beautiful story, and in this moment they are about to embark on a new and exciting chapter.