A Capitale Wedding is an enchanting event that is set in one of New York City’s most lavish venues. The Capitale was originally built as the Bowery Saving Bank in 1895, and the structure has undergone many changes over the years. It is now a premier event space, and a designated New York City Landmark. The Capitale Wedding of Danielle Katzap and Andrew Goodman took on Saturday, September 17, 2011. The wedding was a spectacular occasion, with the couple surrounded by their family and friends as they celebrated their magical day. The decor of the Capitale was magnificent. The room was caste in a warm, romantic glow from the lanterns and candles that were strategically placed throughout the venue. In the picture, candles in varying heights line the walls and they can be seen on the reception tables as well. From the ceiling elegant lanterns drop down toward the dance floor, dazzling guests. The lanterns are each made of delicately designed glass, and they give the space a feeling of enchantment. In this image, the guests all have their attention on the dance floor, where a toast is being made to the bride and groom. The man speaking wears a black tuxedo and he holds a paper and microphone, prepared for the speech he gives in honor of the newlyweds. Soon he will finish and ask the other wedding attendees to raise their classes in celebration of the love shared by Danielle and Andrew. Then, the festivities of the evening will be in full swing.